SEO Keyword Research and Analysis

100 Target keywords & blog topics




We combine website keyword rankings, competitor research and keyword trends to find the top 100 keywords that have the potential to drive high converting organic users to your website.  In addition we provide recommendations on topics to drive more organic SEO visitors to your site.

SEO Keyword Research and Analysis:

  • SEO keyword research, list of 100 keywords delivered
  • Keyword analysis metrics include:
    • Keyword volume
    • Competitive density
    • Cost per click (CPC) value
    • Annual trends
    • SERP features (Search Engine Results Pages)
    • Top rankings articles & competitors
    • …and MORE
  • Keyword spreadsheet with full data metrics delivered to your email address
  • 5 recommendations for content topics based on organic research and best SEO opportunities for growth
  • 1 week turnaround time
  • One-time project

***After you purchase your SEO Keyword Research & Analysis, you’ll receive an email with a form link. Please complete this to provide us with the information needed to execute your project.***

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